Movie schedule
The Brussels Planetarium offers several 360° films
at different times, suitable for all ages.
Sorry, there are no films being shown on 13 November 2023.
All films
Show for toddlersFrom 3 to 7 years old
Earth, Moon & SunFrom 6 to 12 years old
We Are StarsFrom 10 years old
Birth of planet EarthFrom 12 years old
Solar SuperstormsFrom 12 years old
Earth's climateFrom 12 years old
Water, a Cosmic AdventureFrom 12 years old
The Blind man with starry eyesFrom 6 to 12 years old
ExploreFrom 12 years old
Secret Lives of StarsFrom 12 years old
Chasing the ghost particleFrom 12 years old
The Phantom of the UniverseFrom 12 years old
Ice WorldsFrom 12 years old
Violent UniverseFrom 12 years old